Future Students
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Alex’s Story

Are you the type to plan ahead? When I was graduating from high school, a lot of my friends seemed to know just what they planned to do! They were going to a community college and then on to a state university. They would get a job and get rich and buy a summer condo in Hawaii. Then they would […]

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Future Students Growth
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The Rock

I was walking through a wood one day when I stumbled upon a rock.

I nearly passed by it. After all, it was just a rock. But then I stopped to think.

There was nothing unusual about it—just a rock sitting just off the path between some trees. There it stood: so still and hardened, apathetic toward the thriving wood around it. It did not see the sparrows peering from the branches above with bright, cautious eyes. It did not feel the soft breeze, or the heavy beams of the afternoon sun, settling warmly on the edges of the forest. Everything seemed to be alive somehow! But the rock took no notice. It was just a rock.

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Music: A Gift from God

As the guests filed into the Rawson Chapel, they were escorted to their seats by well-dressed ushers, and once seated, sat eagerly awaiting the latest recital. Recitals are a requirement for music majors and are always a blessing to attend. Nathania Munoz’s violin recital on March 29th was no exception. Dressed in a gorgeous ivory gown, Nathania played her selections with […]

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