How Far are you willing to go?

How Far Are You Willing to Go?

Guest post by freshman Drew Cole

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” —James 1:2–3

What do you do when confronted with a struggle?

Although we'd like to wish that sleeping in the fetal position for the next four years will rid us of our problems, I'd dare say it would do absolutely nothing.

So many times in my own life, when God brought me a trial, I would seclude myself in the hopes I'd be able to hide from it or even hide from God.

This eventually led me to feel empty and alone because I wondered why God wouldn't magically fix the situation... when I was the one not enduring in my faith.

But the message James immediately brings to our attention in his general epistle is this: struggles are made for everyone. Being a Christian doesn't exempt us from problems.

He says that rather than shaking our fist at God, we should be thankful within the times of temptations. Even be thankful for that temptation!

If we're true to the faith, that test strengthens our endurance and "worketh patience."

If you're struggling with something right now, don't let it drive you into seclusion. Be thankful and persevere.

The thoughts and opinions expressed in Life in the Nest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Pensacola Christian College.
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