Day in the Life of a Criminal Justice Major
Academics College Life
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A Day in the Life of a Criminal Justice Major

FREEZE! Put your hands behind your head--now lie down on the ground. You have the right to remain silent...

Welcome to the life of a Criminal Justice major. No, I haven't used those lines on anyone yet. But maybe someday!

How do I explain my own major? I guess with classes first. Being a CJ major is pretty much the most awesome experience I've ever had. I mean, what other major lets you examine a crime scene that your classmates have set up? CJ majors get really creative putting together crime scenes and making them as realistic as possible.

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The Right Place at the Right Time!

When I first decided to come to PCC, I wasn't planning to study Graphic Design. (To read more, visit "My Quest for the Third Question's Answer.") But, since I made the switch, I have been reassured in so many different ways that it's God's will that I be here studying Graphic Design. 1. I'm reassured that I'm studying in the […]

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Experience your field

Here at college, we can acquire a lot of book knowledge about our chosen fields. We have knowledgeable teachers who have great experience and choose to pass down what they have learned. However, there are many times when we gain some of our own personal experience that we can add to theirs. For instance, education majors get to teach lessons […]

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Internship: The Real Story!

As an education major, I always knew that the hardest part of my four years in college would be my internship. The word internship has struck uncontrollable fear in my heart ever since I knew what it was. How was I supposed to teach high school students for fifty minutes all by myself? It is amazing, though: the one thing […]

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