College Life Future Students
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Our Spiritual Strength

Hey guys! We're now a few weeks into the semester, and I hope you've been able to get settled in and adjusted to your new schedule! While each of our schedules varies greatly, there are still a few things that each of us should still make time for: 1.) Sleeping Now, some might need less of it than others, but […]

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College Life
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Awkward Is Awesome

The words awkward and awesome rarely belong together in the same sentence, right? Wrong. When was the last time something great came from you just looking at your phone while waiting for your friends because you didn't want to appear awkward while standing there? Exactly. I was first introduced to this sentence while working at a camp a few summers […]

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College Life Future Students
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What to Bring to College

At the end of last semester, I packed up all of my belongings, lugged crates and suitcases down six flights of stairs, and made my way home for the summer. Since arriving on campus two years ago, I have definitely accumulated quite a bit of stuff. As I cleaned out my closet, I thought of a few simple ideas to […]

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Future Students
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Are You Ready?

“Hey, so are you ready for the fall?” ...Did you just cringe? I know when I was an incoming freshman, that was the last question I wanted to hear. There are two possible answers to that well-meant, but difficult question: 1: “Yeah, I'm totally ready! No doubts, no hesitations, no anxiety whatsoever.” 2: “Actually, I'm scared to death, so please […]

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How to Make Good Grades

Disclaimer: this post is written by a normal college student who does not make straight A’s. But I am writing in response to several requests for a post about making good grades in college. So here’s a slice of what I learned while studying hard for four years. 1. Never underestimate the power of quiz grades. Seriously, though, those venomous […]

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