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The Secret to Happiness

I once had someone tell me the secret to happiness: "All you have to do is never expect anything. It's that simple. I learned a long time ago that if I never expect anything, everything is more exciting and I appreciate it more, because I never expected anything to begin with." Well, that seemed reasonable, so I tried it. I […]

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College Life
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The Most Famous Umbrella On Campus

Do you see this umbrella? Not the blue and white one--anyone can get an umbrella like that. I mean the huge, clear one on the left, that covers your whole head. It's amazing! So amazing, I took a picture of it on a rainy day last week and decided to make it famous. Umbrellas like this are FABULOUS for our […]

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College Life
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My Valentine's Rant

It's February! February makes me think of Valentine's Day, and Valentine's Day makes me think of "Romantic," and "Romantic" makes me think of tea, and tea makes me think of British people. Do you know what I just realized about British people the other day? They're so positive! We have family friends from England, and they're always saying stuff like […]

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Future Students
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Picture Yourself at PCC!

Welcome back on campus, all!

While everyone else was getting ready for school to start up again, I took a walk and snapped some shots of students heading into a new semester with style.

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Things to Do
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Christmas Lights in Florida

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..."

I used to dream a lot about a white Christmas, but I moved around a lot and grew up in quite a variety of Christmases….green Christmases (Alabama), brown Christmases (New Mexico), and almost no Christmases (we were in the middle of moving)!

As kids, we used to sing that song and leave the adjective blank. It still messes up my beat to this day:

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