College Life

How I Broke White Glove (+a chance for free cookies)

A Clean Room in 30 Minutes

Twice a semester, the Commons is abandoned.

We dash to our rooms, frantically scrubbing dressers and countertops and praying desperately that when room check happens, no one looks under the bed.

I personally have experienced the horror of realizing that to this point, I've escaped doing my room job on a daily basis, and the dirt on the bathroom floor is thick enough to hide in.

I managed to make it through—and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it might be.

Below is my story of beating White Glove (and still enjoying my evening).

Last semester I looked around my room and was appalled by what I saw. There were crumbs under the bed (I'm pretty sure there might have been something living under there), and clutter on the shelves. The floor was so dirty that I was thinking of starting a garden in the closet. In short, our room was a mess.

I knew that White Glove was an entire week away, and the college student in me cried out to simply "let it go" and "do it later."

But no! I had an idea.

I sat down and made a list of jobs on a sheet of paper. For the entire week leading up to White Glove, I would pick two or three jobs and deep clean them. It didn't take me very long—I usually started at 10:00 pm and worked until prayer group—and slowly (but surely), the room got better!

When White Glove actually came, the one big job I had was the shower, and that didn't take very long because I’d already been cleaning it. I was able to finish my room and go eat a normal dinner! I had a great, stress-free evening because I scheduled ahead. So don't sweat it when White Glove comes. Be prepared, and schedule ahead! You'll thank yourself later.

Here are some other White Glove tips I've discovered...

  1. Clean the shower with Windex or Magic Erasers—They. Are. Magic.
  2. Don't forget to dust the supports for the clothing rack in your closet. (I always forget this!)
  3. DO NOT MIX BLEACH AND VINEGAR!!—I'm not saying it won't clean, but it also tends to create a cloud of toxic fumes, and that's no fun for anyone involved...
  4. Buy a small broom. It can save you when it comes to the bathroom floor (and it easily stores in the closet).
  5. Do your room jobs! The above article becomes much easier to accomplish when you've been in the habit of doing your room jobs anyway.

Stay classy! I'll catch ya on the flip side.

Some of you reading this are ultimate White-Glove hackers. What are your secrets? Comment below. The best 3 student suggestions win a package of Palms Grille cookies courtesy of blogger admin.

The thoughts and opinions expressed in Life in the Nest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Pensacola Christian College.
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