Finish Strong 2015
Academics College Life

Finish Strong

Some people like the end of a race the most. Other people find the end to be the hardest part. Whichever way you might think, one thing is certain: the end of the race always comes, one way or another.

The end of the semester is like the end of a race to me. All semester we've been running hard, checking goals off our lists as we accomplish them. And now, the finish line is in view. Just a few more days and we will be heading home for the semester. My encouragement for you is to end this race well! Whether you feel like you can easily sprint to the finish line, or you're struggling to make it there, keep it up! Push hard the last little bit and make this semester one that you can be proud to say that you finished well.

The thoughts and opinions expressed in Life in the Nest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Pensacola Christian College.


Major History

From West Virginia

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