Future Students

Freshman Worries

In the weeks before coming to college, a series of thoughts kept creeping up in my mind: “What would my roommates be like?”  “Will my roommates be nice?” “I hope we get along.”  “Will they like me?” Time and again, these thoughts would cross my mind as my heart would fill with anxiety. I knew worrying about roommates was pointless because there was nothing I could do about it; still, I continued on anxious about who I would end up with.

The day before leaving for college, my pastor prayed with me, and one of the things he brought before God was my future roommates. In that moment, I gave my college worries to God. Finally I had peace about my future roommates, knowing everything was in God’s hands.

My first night on campus went better than I had expected. In my room there were three of us, including myself. My roommates were friends who had requested to be together. This raised a fear that with them being so close I would get left out, but nothing could be further from the truth. They immediately made me feel loved and accepted. They offered for me to join them for meals, invited me to sit with them at church, offered rides off campus, and informed me on how to NOT act like a freshman. Before long, they had accepted me as one of their own and even gave me the original and endearing nickname, “FRESHMAN.” (Since they were high and mighty sophomores.)

Now in my second semester, I step back and think about all the different things I worried about before coming to college: adjusting to a new life, teachers, making friends, fitting in, and most of all the roommates. With those things worries in mind, I am reminded of the verse Psalm 18: 30 which states, “As for God, His way is perfect.”  It is amazing to look back and see how perfectly God worked out each and every college life detail that I had previously fretted about. He gave me amazing friends, excellent teachers, great residence assistants, and incredible roommates. If there’s something in your life that you are worried, like I had been about roommates, give it to our amazing Savior because truly, “as for God, His way is perfect.”

The thoughts and opinions expressed in Life in the Nest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Pensacola Christian College.

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