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Why Life Works

Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics-- the science of theory. While physics does comprise laws, physics exists for the purpose of theory--or why things happen. After high school, I believed that physics was merely algebra and trigonometry in action--nay nay. If you believe that, don't! It's a trap! Physics is the foundation of all sciences. Without physics, atoms would explode, […]

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Engineering Competition

On Saturday, April 12, 2014, Pensacola Christian College put on the 22nd Engineering Competition. Five teams designed and built robots that were intended to be able to extinguish a flame, disarm a device, and clean up a hazardous spill. I personally have had no experience with the engineering department and found it quite interesting to see what students in other […]

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Experience your field

Here at college, we can acquire a lot of book knowledge about our chosen fields. We have knowledgeable teachers who have great experience and choose to pass down what they have learned. However, there are many times when we gain some of our own personal experience that we can add to theirs. For instance, education majors get to teach lessons […]

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Where Math Meets Creativity

When I think model-sized speedboats, submarines, air gliders, hovercraft, and amphibious vehicles, I think engineering competition at PCC. Every time I hear about the specifications for each year's competition, I can't help but think, "This is just too cool." Every year, any engineering student can compete in the engineering competition by working with a team to meet that year's challenge. […]

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