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Over the River and Through the Woods—literally…

Do you remember, when you were growing up, how school had field trips? Field trips were game changers because they took the monotony out of sitting in a desk all day taking notes. Can you imagine a game-changing class that had field trips almost every week? Ecology is that game-changing class, an academically rigorous yet surprisingly exciting class with a […]

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Why Life Works

Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics-- the science of theory. While physics does comprise laws, physics exists for the purpose of theory--or why things happen. After high school, I believed that physics was merely algebra and trigonometry in action--nay nay. If you believe that, don't! It's a trap! Physics is the foundation of all sciences. Without physics, atoms would explode, […]

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A Bug’s Life

Growing up, I hated anything that crawled—except baby mammals and humans (let's clear that up). But I hated bugs, rats, and especially spiders—the workers of Satan himself. I remember spider hunting in the jungles growing up. I would shoot banana spiders at point blank with my airsoft gun. Yes, I was bored as a child. When I took Zoology, my […]

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