College Life

Thousands of Students + 63 Countries + 1 Similarity = 1 Huge PCC Family

Believe it or not, 63 countries are represented by PCC’s student body. You may look at that huge number and be inclined to think that the unity of our campus would be hindered because of the numerous cultural differences. Although those from different countries may have little in common, there is one thing that students here at PCC have in common, regardless of their country. We have the same Savior who died on the same cross for all of the countries of the world. Having Jesus Christ in common brings our student body together in such a unique and strong way that we are basically a huge family here on campus.

There are few places in the world where you can find thousands of young people from all over the globe gathered together to learn more about God. PCC is one of those few places. Four mornings a week, thousands of PCC students gather for chapel in the Crowne Centre with open hearts and open Bibles. Although many different languages are spoken here on campus, we all understand the language of Jesus Christ – a language of salvation, mercy, grace, love, compassion, and so much more.

I find it amazing that the Lord is able to bring the PCC student body together just because of one similarity. Having our Savior and our beliefs in common is enough to remove most differences and result in one huge PCC family.

The thoughts and opinions expressed in Life in the Nest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Pensacola Christian College.
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