Academics College Life

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

Photo by Christy Hang Tuah

Often during college, we'll feel as if our schedule is packed like too many guys on an elevator—we can't breathe or go anywhere until it's empty. But after a wave of tests or projects, we may find ourselves in a week where suddenly nothing is due. No papers, no tests, and sometimes even no homework. What's a person to do when a time like that comes?

  • Look ahead to next week's schedule. If you work ahead, you can prevent any future packed-elevator weeks.
  • Visit the library to read a book or watch a video in the Multimedia Lab. Get your mind off of school for a little while.
  • Catch up on sleep—always a worthwhile endeavor, in my view.
  • Watch your collegian's sports. Your team could always use fans in the stands.
  • Watch the Eagles, too. The Eagles teams want your support just as much as your collegian.
  • Get into your Bible and pray. God's blessed you with a more relaxed week. Make sure to give Him back a part of it.

These are only a few things you might want to think of doing if you come across some spare time. You probably have a few other ideas for how to spend an easier school week, so why not share them in the comments?


Photo by Christy Hang Tuah

The thoughts and opinions expressed in Life in the Nest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Pensacola Christian College.

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